Tiger aces the presser; but who couldn’t

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The much anticipated Tiger Woods press conference has come and gone. Let’s hope the golf tournament is better. It will not take much.

Tiger Woods fields questions from the Masters. Photo by David J. Phillip - AP Photo

I thought Tiger did a great job of answering all the questions in the 33-minute presser, and in doing so seemed very relaxed. He only used the “personal” issue twice and did not answer the question, but overall the questions were “gimme’s”.

Does anyone really care about what he thinks about his putting right now? Really, that’s what the reporter really wanted to know? For the record, the reporter was from Oklahoma City.

The one question he did not answer and did not look very good on is the question about his November car wreck and if he was on the drug Ambien, or not.

“Police investigated the accident, cited me $166 bucks…it’s a closed case.” Not very convincing. If he was not on that drug or any drug, then would it have been an easy to say No?

The most interesting quote that I took from Eldrick was, “It’s not about championships, it’s about how you live your life.” Tiger in the past has talked blue in the face about winning major championships and now as he says he is more “balanced”.

He will never repair his image totally. Some people will never want to see him win again. Some people are tired of the Tiger Talk, but he took a step in the positive direction, despite how poor the questions were. Suppose he would not have answered the “real” questions, but sure would have liked to find out.

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